First Easter. 1 month old. |
She kept passing up all the eggs. |
Grabbing the "Biggerest Egg" winning! |
Dying eggs |
They were almost inseperable |
I was only able to experience one Easter with you. but got alot of great pictures, and stories from your second one. OK well I take that back, Your first Easter you were newborn and had no idea what was going on, but your second Easter where you were one, I remember you kept trying to drink the Easter egg dye, it was all over your face and clothes. You pretty much dyed your hand bluish green from dipping it so many times. We tried to do the Easter egg hunt but you just walked around aimlessly, then randomly started walking away as fast as possible down the sidewalk. It's like you were on a mission but I had no idea where you were going. You kept giggling as you'd run away faster and faster, it was so funny. I had to go to San Antonio for work for your third Easter when you were two, but I'm so happy MiMi and your Nanny Charlotte and Kylie got to spend it with you. Y'all got to dye eggs, do the Easter egg one. Both you and Cody ran out the gate so excited to grab the eggs! I wish I could have been there in person to see it. I'm so happy you had a great day
I remember how often your mom would try to take you for all the holidays when we separated. I offered to switch days but didn't wanna lose my time with you for special holidays, especially Halloween and Christmas. We both wanted to see you trick or treat and get all the candy from the neighborhood. We both had our own ideas for Halloween costumes when you were two. At least we were able to bring you trick or treating with Cody for your first Halloween. You were still too young for the candy, but I know you had a good time. Once we were done walking around trick or treating we would go inside, dump all your candy in front of you, and you would just touch every single one. I remember you would try to stick each one in your mouth one at a time and we would have to say "No not yet baby", when actually the first Halloween you were trick or treating to get Daddy some candy ;) You were a CareBear (LionHeart) and Cody was Scooby Doo.

For your second Halloween I bought you a Lady Bug Halloween costume, we walked around at the pumpkin patch in Lafayette and you had the silliest blank stare the whole time. I guess you were just taking everything in, but you had a great time and were eating all your suckers. I didn't really get to trick or treat with you much since your mother had you that day, and when I let her have you on Halloween she refused to switch with me so I could have you a day in return. I got off work and had your costume in my truck. Drove to your moms where you were and we changed you, then I went walk around her neighborhood a couple times and let you run around on your own and picked you up when you got tired. There were alot of kids all over the place, alot of people aww'd at you like they always did everytime we went somewhere. I kept the candy and brought it home so you can snack on a piece or two (We actually shared the candy this time sweety haha)

This was during the stupid lawyer battles and I hated going through all that crap, I just wanted us to compromise and be able to give you a happy life. I'm so happy you weren't aware of what was going on. I did my best to be a duck on top the water without you seeing how hard I was swimming underneath the water to keep us afloat and happy. I wanted to sacrifice my whole life for you. The struggle I was going through was out of my control. I was learning patience, but I wasn't going to just give up and lose you, I wanted just as much time with you as your mom did. I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed to be happy.

Christmas was also interesting, we always had to figure out how we would manage bringing you to see all of your Grandparents and Great Grandparents and this usually consisted of a week long extravaganza. Christmas Eve was either at your Mi Mi's with Nanny Charlotte and Cody, Kylie, and Pops Turner, or In Houma with your Grammy and Pop DeHart. Christmas Day we usually visited PawPaw Stroud and that goofy family. Santa scared you the first time you sat in Santa Stroud's lap, but the second time both You and Cody sat with Santa Stroud and you weren't that scared. you were searching for Gold the whole time with your finger up your nose, I kept moving your hand away but you kept putting it right back to the same spot haha. There would be SO MANY gifts showered upon you from both sides because everyone loved you so much. You would color or play on the pool table with Cody and we went sit in your cousin Jake's boat. You got to see your cousin Lucy, Jaycee, Dyani, Jacki, Cody, Landon, and Tyler. You all got a chance to talk to Santa and take pictures with him. After the day was over and I had to bring the truckloads of gifts back home, you would want me to open up each new toy, play with it for about 40 minutes then bring me the next one to open up. Eventually you had a room FULL of toys. Everyone wanted to see you happy and playful. I got you plenty of coloring books so you wouldn't color all over the walls and random papers that you would find all the time. It was a very hard time during Christmas, but I did what I could to get you stuff I knew you would like. I just wish I could have gotten you more. I know its not what matters and I am so happy I got to spend the time with you, I just hate that I couldn't get you more. The holidays will be hard, but you will never be too far from my mind and heart baby. I just want to experience so much more with you.

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