Holidays and Birthdays were always a struggle for me and your mom. We both loved you so much and wanted to experience those special moments with you up to every minute. Your first birthday was held at my house. I invited alot of our family and friends and got to watch you smash your first cake. It was a Minnie Mouse theme. There were chips n dip, chili dogs, and the smash cake as you sat in front of it wondering why we were all watching you. First, you dipped your left hand on the icing then shoved it into your mouth. Aunt Moni (My godmother) was trying to feed it as you moved your head away and continued to feed yourself. Aunt Joy quietly stole pieces of the cake eating along with you. Your Nanny Charlotte started cheering you on to "Get it" as Cody was asking for cake in the background. As your squishing your hand and looking around, Paw Paw Stroud chimes in "You sure smile alot" and of course, that silly little smile shines out from your face. Aunt Moni sneaks by and puts your right hand in the cake and everyone says "Yaaaaaaaaaaaay" and you look up laughing again. You made a huge mess everywhere and while we were cleaning you off, Your silly Aunt Joy was eating the scraps from the smashed cake saying "Oh my God, this is so good Matt!" You had such a wonderful day, but I can't recall you ever having a bad day. You were always so happy.

Your second birthday was held at Kart Ranch. I personally made yellow hats with cups and plates and put the party favors inside the cups. I made Curious George the theme because we watched that silly cartoon almost every night. You had many different shows you loved but we will get to that later. When I was searching for your cake, I had to get a Winnie the Pooh cake, but make it Curious George instead. Your smile was so big when yous aw it and the whole day Cody was right by your side. Opening gifts, eating cake and pizza, and playing in the play area. I remember you kept dipping your sucker in the sprite then tasting it as Mee Mee directed traffic and handed out pizza for everyone. You would go in and out of every play area, even for the big kids, you would try to climb all by yourself. If you got stuck, you would say, "Daddy help me" but not to get down because you were scared, but only to go higher. I think the Ball pit with the little slide was your favorite as you would slide down then the balls would just engulf your little body and you'd laugh out loud, squirming to climb out and do it all over again. Pops Turner wanted to bring you in the Go Karts but I wasn't ready for you to be in there just yet. I think you wouldn't have minded either way. I was so happy to give you such a special day. You played every ounce of energy out of your sweet little body, and when it was time to go home, you were already falling asleep in my arms as i put you in the truck. You would always play that hard and it gave me a chance to watch you sleep peacefully. I hated waking you up and loved the way you would wake up naturally. You would never wake up crying, just shuffling around or playing with the dolls in your crib, then calling out "Daddy!" repeatedly until I walked into the room to get you. When I got there, You'd always say "Hi Daddy!" with a delightful smile. The greatest start of my day every time because it felt like you were so surprised to see me each time.
sitting right next to your partner in crime |
Daddy's attempt in making your party perfect for you! | |
The look of success! |
Satisfaction in the form of exhaustion |
I wish I could have given you so many more new adventures for so many more birthdays. It's frustrating that this is real life.
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