So Recently the APP League that I have been doing has started back up for its 3rd season, and we had to move locations since I have a baby girl on the way and can no longer host the games in my house. The new place I was going to have it was big enough to add an extra table. We worked out all the details for everything to go smoothly and told the hosts exactly how I ran things at my house. There was a championship Freeroll at the end of the season for the top 9 players and each spot would get paid out. The only way I can supply a payout for each spot, as well as pay for the Trophy, snacks and drinks for each game, and Shirts and Card Protectors for the players is if $40 of the $50 buy in goes to the players that night and $10 goes to the Championship FreeRoll money (CFR$). There was a tight management of this money and I kept track of all the things paid for that benefits the group. Personally, I made no profit from doing this and was fine with that, because I enjoyed playing the game and all of the players were happy as well and enjoyed participating in the league. The few that knew they couldn't make it consistently to contend for the Championship didn't show up and it created a Tight nit group....a League.
The person that agreed to host were very kind and understanding, I have also done personal favors for them as well, given free firewood, earned a free night at Isle of Capri Casino in Lake Charles and told them they could have it since I was going back home. General stuff Friends do for each other. They were also kind enough to have personal gifts made for the baby on the way and I was greatly appreciative of that. I also took home their laptop which was from 2000-2003 and did 3 days of work on it to get it running better again and install a poker clock for them to use at the games which was a headache in a half for no charge. But what happened recently just utterly confused me. It's the type of crap that makes you wonder why the hell someone would want to ruin a good thing.
Anyway, Game 1 of the league comes around and I was notified by the host that they would be late but someone would let us in early. I waited outside for an hour, shivering my ass off and annoyed that I had to set everything up to prepare for the game until someone finally showed up. They informed me that Snacks and Drinks (Which consisted of chips and 6 packs of various can drinks) were paid for and as we agreed I would supply them the funds for those drinks via the CFR$. So we get in there and start setting up for the game. Have everything done and have a spectacular Turn out for 30 people! I collected the money, sorted the payouts and placed the money box in a separate room where only I and the Hosts would go in and out. Maxed out attendance and future of a great game! I got a crappy beat when the hosts finally arrived and sit down to take their seats. My flopped set on a K73 board (I had 33) and 3bet the flop to 1800 against a lady who put in a min bet of 800 with a pot of about 2800 and she snap called. Turn seems like a harmless 6 and she checks to me, I bet over half my stack because the 6 created a flush and straight draw and she puts me all in and I call Immediately....what does she reveal.....Pocket 6's...I am just in shock by how ridiculously lucky she got as I initially put her on KQ or KJ at best. But that's how I roll. So All night me and the luck-box ;) that helped me setup were both knocked out midway through the tournament but continued to deal (It was agreed that we would help run things and they just wanted to host, that was fine with me since I started the League). The hosts sat there and played, but occasionally during breaks and just random times I would see the host go in and out of that room, I would think nothing of it. By the time the tournament was over everyone was paid out and we were picking everything up and saying goodbyes, I grabbed the Money box with the CFR$ and headed home. When I arrived home I counted the CFR$ and realized that $20 was missing from it and sent a mass text to about 8 people stating that I will now hold the money on me at all times because it seems $20 has been stolen. Everyone but the host would reply in shock or questioning.
Then about 5 days before Game 2 rolls around, The host says he wants more than just enough for the snacks and drinks. It was requested before the season started but when I explained to them that It was impossible for me to give that, a simple, "that's fine I understand" was stated and I was under the impression that it was done with. Apparently that wasn't the case...There was no consideration to call me and discuss this or even talk to me in person again about it. No It was sent to me a second time as a demand in a text if he was my boss....and It pissed me off to no end. It was about 11:30 at night on a weekday when I noticed the text and called asking was he serious and there is no way I can do it. I told them that if that's what they want I will not be a part of it and it wont be my league, about 3 or 4 days later I went get my stuff which was a peaceful exchange and he had the audacity to say, "When your games get started up whereever they are, give me a call cause we'd still like to play." I just looked at him with this, "Is this guy freaking serious??" look on my face and just nodded my head and got in my truck in drove away. Since then I haven't had much communication with the guy and been in search of finding a host for the league so it wouldn't crumble apart and multiple regulars of the game wanted to keep it going. A great guy and Best Man said we could hold it at his house and that his wife was cool with it. So I'm thinking, Awesome season back on...lets get it!! We have a catch up game and things are back to normal, but an announcement was made that it is only a temporary solution and we have until end of March to find another location because the wife did not agree to the decision of having it in their house. I just kind of Face-palmed and shook my head but glad she was willing to compromise for a few more games.
I also found out that initially the original host was trying to steal players from my league, basically begging them to come play at his house instead. Whats funny is he had no real idea of what he is doing and it just turned into another lil house game but with a $50 buy in he was paying out a spot for every $100 in the prizepool. so the first game he hosted top 7 were paid out of 15! lol I was kind of surprised by this news. I am glad to learn that he has decided to atleast rotate weeks with me and has had a change of heart about that, but the whole situation is unfortunate and just a pain in the ass. I just wish I could understand what kind of chemicals, electric stimulation, or whatever makes a persons brain tick created that random ass scenario to just completely obliterate and corrupt a good thing all for the sake of greed. When getting all my stuff he did want to talk to me and try to work things out, but I told him, "Even if you didn't want the extra money anymore, I know it would still be on your mind and something would continue to come of it the rest of the season. I know you would be unhappy and just don't feel comfortable having it at your house anymore." That's when he asked to continue to be invited and honestly, if money would not have been stolen out of the CFR$ then I would have most likely allowed him back into the league, because overall he is a good guy from what I can tell. Just some people have their flaws I guess.....I know I have mine.
Wow! This sucked! Then asked to play after...BANNED!