I recently played in a tournament where a known Super Aggressive player with Deep Pockets was playing directly to my left. I started hearing grumblings of "OH NO, NOT HIM..." and "well looks like this table will be expensive" and numerous sighs and groans. We were about to start an unlimited Rebuy tournament and this guy has a history of Rebuying between 15-25 times before the Rebuy Period is over. If you tilt him, he can start to shove every hand and it is hilarious watching the table dynamics of not just him, but the other players unfold as well. I usually get excited when I get a player like this sit at my table because you can just pick apart these types of players. There are a few things I mainly do when I come in contact with this type of player.
1. Don't get discouraged or intimidated by this opponents play. That is what he wants you to do. He will try to bet you off the hand if you show weakness regardless of his cards so if your gut instinct tells you that you have the best hand, chances are you probably do. There was a hand I played against him one day where I was holding J7 suited and flop came A J 7 rainbow. I bet on the flop and the Super Aggressor quickly called after checking in the dark to me. The turn came a 10 and also put a straight with possible flush draw on the board. I bet about 1/3 the pot and this time he raises me 2x my bet which also put me all in. The Range of hands this opponent can hold could be HUGE and he loves to play the dynamics of a board to put fear in his opponents when rarely holding a strong hand (this can be tricky as when they do hold strong hands it is disguised well, but that is when you need to use your psychological reading skills to determine what is a legit strong hand and what is making a move). He started that signature smirk he has and he is a very talkative player and loves creating attention, as many super aggressive players do, but in this hand he was very quiet and had this glare in his eye. Looking at 2 pair I have a strong feeling that I have the best hand right now since he is ACTING strong, I sensed weakness. After some Deliberation and replaying the hand in my head, I make the call and show my 2 pair as he turns over A5 os and misses the river to improve and I scoop a nice pot over $500.
2. Play small ball poker and don't try to out do the aggressor. This is a good time for ABC poker as far as hand selection and also allowing your opponent to pay you off with his blind rage of aggression when you make a strong hand. You must remember if you show weakness to an opponent who smells blood they will attack, and do so relentlessly, so if the weakness is shown after getting a monster, chances are you will be paid off as long as you don't give off any hint that you want them to pay you off. It is best to do so when out of position, but if you have position on this player and he is not betting into you, throwing out small bets "bait" that are disguised to look like feeler bets will usually initiate the Deep Pocket Donk to discredit your play and throw in a raise. If the Deep Pocket Donk is betting into you, there is no need to Raise until the river to maximize value of the hand.
3. Don't play into their game. Alot of players that do not adjust well to these types of players usually try to do the same thing that player is doing, by making really loose calls with very skeptical hands or reraising the Deep Pocket Donk with very skeptical hands. It is important to stick to the fundamentals and play the hands that have high percentage of winning because like always, in the long run the good players will beat the players that depend on variance for success and look at poker like Bingo or Strictly Luck. That is what separates the good winning poker players from the bad. It is important to keep a level head and don't let them tilt you or you will get outplayed or even miss value in hands where you could have easily stacked your opponents. When the other players focus on the Super Aggressive at the table, you can quietly take in added chips from other opponents as long as you are not detected and continue to show down good hands and avoid getting out drawn.
I hope this helps you dig into the pockets of these players as they will continue to reload and become more aggressive every time you take from their stack! So enjoy the ride and hope they never leave the table!
Matt S
"Life is like poker, Eventually you are dealt a new hand"
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
L'auberge visit and Decent Cash game profit.
Recently I made a Journey to check out the Poker Room I've been hearing so much about in Lake Charles, LA at the L'auberge du Lac Casino Resort. I heard things like you have to get there early just to sit at a table and that the game is always full. I heard they had a 6 - 12 Limit game and a steady 2-5 NL Holdem game (Which this was true) but when I arrived, I just realized I am not rich enough to be there lol. Basically the Poker Room was about 7 or 8 tables and they had a spread of two 4-8 Limit tables and two 2-5 NL tables. I Put my name on both lists and had an open seat on 4 8 limit. So I sat and played until there was a 2-5 seat to open up and that didn't take very long at all.
When I moved to NL, I only brought $300 on me and Minimum buy in was $200. Looking at the table, the average stack was about $500 and there were two players with $1k+ so I just opted to buy in for All $300 and just try to have a single barrel for the day. I really hate doing that but I also drove two hours to play so I didn't want to just leave because there wasn't a 1 2 NL game that I prefer to play and I've heard that there were some juicy games. Well starting out at this table I realize that it is a must move table but the players were extremely tight and timid and it didn't take long for me to start opening up my game as the standard raise was suprisingly $15-20 to get heads up. I wasn't used to this being that other 2-5 and 5-5 games I've played the standard was $25-40. I was loving it and having my way with the table. I went on a 3 hand heater and basically stacked a guy with KK when he made a weak attempt to bluff me off my hand on a Q high board with both the Flush and Straight were showing but with his cheesy smile and the way he was staring me down, I just had the vibe that he was ACTING strong but actually weak. I made the call and he showed Q5os for top pair and I scooped a nice $280 pot. The next two hands added an additional 80 bucks to my stack then the Table broke to fill the other two NL tables and I had $645 and a decision to just Cash out or sit at one of the tables that I recognized multiple solid players and very little fish. This was aggravating and the Average stack went from $500ish to about $800-$1000. Instead of doing the wise thing and just cashing out and taking the $345 profit, I decided to take my chances and sat next to a guy I know to be pretty loose but also pretty good as well. There were a couple others that were loose and I quickly got a bad end of a hand when my QQ was outdrawn by AQ on a 10J5A8 board then another hand where a guy flopped the straight vs. my top pair top kick. I get down to my initial buy in and floated around that spot when I chose to call a guy who has been raising light and betting hard to steal pots with 76os. There was one other caller in Late position with the Raiser in Middle position and I was in the BB. Flop came J54 with two clubs and I bet about 1/3 the pot and was immediately 3bet by the original raiser. I figured him for something like QJ, J10, J9 at best or even a PP but no set. The guy in late position folds and I flat. The turn card brings the Kc and there is about 165 in the middle while I have 235 behind, I just immediately shove and the dealer takes my chips and starts to count my stack. The original raiser tanks for a bit and then makes the call showing 54 off suit for two pair. I hit a 7 on the river that doesn't help and realize I had the guy covered by about $18 bucks. Take my money then get up from the table looking to cash out. I regret making that move just because I shouldn't have played the hand preflop to begin with. Honestly I shouldn't have even sat at the table since it was a bad decision based off Game Selection in the first place. That is a key component from being a Profitable poker player to a losing poker player....Game Selection.
Well Moving on to Friday for the league game I continued to display my great show of bad luck in the tournament by raising preflop with 66 and getting 3 or 4 callers then with the board falling 874 Thinking I'm good I lead out about half the pot, enough to commit myself, and of course my good pal Luckbox Leprechaun strikes again and shoves all in over me (I have him covered by about 2300). I make the call hoping to spike a 6 or 5 and what does he turn over......65 off suit....beautiful timing sir, and I just simply reply "That's how I roll...." as I burn and turn and burn and River two meaningless cards that dont catch me up. The very next hand I deal, I look at Qd9d and shove all in for about 2350 total and everyone but the big blind folds. He looks at me, laughs, and says, "What do you want me to do Matt??" I told him, "Honestly, I don't even care anymore haha." So he calls and I am delighted to see he holds Qs9s. I sarcastically say, watch the spades come out as I begin to burn and then count out 3 cards for the flop.....(Yes I am the dealer, how sick is that) Flop flips 10 of spade, 8 of spade, 6 of spade....FUUUUUUUUUUUUU I just kind of kill the deck then get up to go get something to drink while everyone busts out laughing. They say I have to atleast finish the hand to make it official so I quickly put the turn and river and write myself down as knocked out. I need to do some serious catching up in the next NL game to get back to contention for the top 9.
Well after that whole episode, I wait and continue to deal until we have enough to start a .50 1.00 cash game and I realize I don't have any cash on me. I am fortunate enough to have a guy willing to let me borrow a little and just pay him back tomorrow when I go to the bank and I buy in for $50.00. At first things start out slow and I scoop a small pot here and there and I am in a good spot at the table with 2 or 3 tight players to my left and a loose cannon directly to my right with the other loose cannons across the table from me. I slowly work my stack up to about $180 flopping Q high flush to beat Mrs. Prissy's 9 high flush on a cooler hand. Flopped a set of 2s to beat KK, Just running good for once and having hands hold up and building my confidence for the night. Then there is a hand that absolutely tilts the other big stack at the table that we were all waiting for. Beau Brewer, the guy I complimented in the past for his reading ability called a huge bet to double up with just a pair of 8s (2nd or 3rd pair) on a Qs 8d 3d board vs. the loose cannon directly to my Right who loves to bluff and make loose calls to tilt the table in his advantage. he showed 7d 2d vs. Beaus Qd 6d and it holds. Well the guys are like awesome play Beau and clowning the loose cannon etc. just giving him a hard time in good humor basically, nothing personal, then you can tell it was about to get to the Super Tilt point, Then another guy grabs a decent pot when he goes all in, then another pot......Then I look at Ac 4s in Late position and a minraised pot with about 3 or 4 callers. The flop falls with I think two clubs and maybe a pair of 4s for me and everyone checks. Turn is another club and everyone checks to the loose cannon who looks at his cards then decides to bet 8 bucks into a pot of about 22. I say let me check and see if I have IT too and look then Raise him to 29 and everyone folds and he starts asking me what do I have, and if I have IT, then calls. the River is yet another Club and gives me the nut flush with no possible straight flush or boat on the board so I know I have the best hand and he bets into me AGAIN. This time $20 and I immediately raise another $20. He has about $85 to $100 after the $40 and is still trying to figure out if I'm bluffing or if I really have it, then he shoves all in on me and I snap call showing my nut flush, He tells me he also had it but smaller then tosses his cards in the muck and gets up. I finish off the night for a profit of about $435 and make up for my trip to L'auberge. It was nice to finally run good for a night again. Need to start making more of a habit of that!
When I moved to NL, I only brought $300 on me and Minimum buy in was $200. Looking at the table, the average stack was about $500 and there were two players with $1k+ so I just opted to buy in for All $300 and just try to have a single barrel for the day. I really hate doing that but I also drove two hours to play so I didn't want to just leave because there wasn't a 1 2 NL game that I prefer to play and I've heard that there were some juicy games. Well starting out at this table I realize that it is a must move table but the players were extremely tight and timid and it didn't take long for me to start opening up my game as the standard raise was suprisingly $15-20 to get heads up. I wasn't used to this being that other 2-5 and 5-5 games I've played the standard was $25-40. I was loving it and having my way with the table. I went on a 3 hand heater and basically stacked a guy with KK when he made a weak attempt to bluff me off my hand on a Q high board with both the Flush and Straight were showing but with his cheesy smile and the way he was staring me down, I just had the vibe that he was ACTING strong but actually weak. I made the call and he showed Q5os for top pair and I scooped a nice $280 pot. The next two hands added an additional 80 bucks to my stack then the Table broke to fill the other two NL tables and I had $645 and a decision to just Cash out or sit at one of the tables that I recognized multiple solid players and very little fish. This was aggravating and the Average stack went from $500ish to about $800-$1000. Instead of doing the wise thing and just cashing out and taking the $345 profit, I decided to take my chances and sat next to a guy I know to be pretty loose but also pretty good as well. There were a couple others that were loose and I quickly got a bad end of a hand when my QQ was outdrawn by AQ on a 10J5A8 board then another hand where a guy flopped the straight vs. my top pair top kick. I get down to my initial buy in and floated around that spot when I chose to call a guy who has been raising light and betting hard to steal pots with 76os. There was one other caller in Late position with the Raiser in Middle position and I was in the BB. Flop came J54 with two clubs and I bet about 1/3 the pot and was immediately 3bet by the original raiser. I figured him for something like QJ, J10, J9 at best or even a PP but no set. The guy in late position folds and I flat. The turn card brings the Kc and there is about 165 in the middle while I have 235 behind, I just immediately shove and the dealer takes my chips and starts to count my stack. The original raiser tanks for a bit and then makes the call showing 54 off suit for two pair. I hit a 7 on the river that doesn't help and realize I had the guy covered by about $18 bucks. Take my money then get up from the table looking to cash out. I regret making that move just because I shouldn't have played the hand preflop to begin with. Honestly I shouldn't have even sat at the table since it was a bad decision based off Game Selection in the first place. That is a key component from being a Profitable poker player to a losing poker player....Game Selection.
Well Moving on to Friday for the league game I continued to display my great show of bad luck in the tournament by raising preflop with 66 and getting 3 or 4 callers then with the board falling 874 Thinking I'm good I lead out about half the pot, enough to commit myself, and of course my good pal Luckbox Leprechaun strikes again and shoves all in over me (I have him covered by about 2300). I make the call hoping to spike a 6 or 5 and what does he turn over......65 off suit....beautiful timing sir, and I just simply reply "That's how I roll...." as I burn and turn and burn and River two meaningless cards that dont catch me up. The very next hand I deal, I look at Qd9d and shove all in for about 2350 total and everyone but the big blind folds. He looks at me, laughs, and says, "What do you want me to do Matt??" I told him, "Honestly, I don't even care anymore haha." So he calls and I am delighted to see he holds Qs9s. I sarcastically say, watch the spades come out as I begin to burn and then count out 3 cards for the flop.....(Yes I am the dealer, how sick is that) Flop flips 10 of spade, 8 of spade, 6 of spade....FUUUUUUUUUUUUU I just kind of kill the deck then get up to go get something to drink while everyone busts out laughing. They say I have to atleast finish the hand to make it official so I quickly put the turn and river and write myself down as knocked out. I need to do some serious catching up in the next NL game to get back to contention for the top 9.
Well after that whole episode, I wait and continue to deal until we have enough to start a .50 1.00 cash game and I realize I don't have any cash on me. I am fortunate enough to have a guy willing to let me borrow a little and just pay him back tomorrow when I go to the bank and I buy in for $50.00. At first things start out slow and I scoop a small pot here and there and I am in a good spot at the table with 2 or 3 tight players to my left and a loose cannon directly to my right with the other loose cannons across the table from me. I slowly work my stack up to about $180 flopping Q high flush to beat Mrs. Prissy's 9 high flush on a cooler hand. Flopped a set of 2s to beat KK, Just running good for once and having hands hold up and building my confidence for the night. Then there is a hand that absolutely tilts the other big stack at the table that we were all waiting for. Beau Brewer, the guy I complimented in the past for his reading ability called a huge bet to double up with just a pair of 8s (2nd or 3rd pair) on a Qs 8d 3d board vs. the loose cannon directly to my Right who loves to bluff and make loose calls to tilt the table in his advantage. he showed 7d 2d vs. Beaus Qd 6d and it holds. Well the guys are like awesome play Beau and clowning the loose cannon etc. just giving him a hard time in good humor basically, nothing personal, then you can tell it was about to get to the Super Tilt point, Then another guy grabs a decent pot when he goes all in, then another pot......Then I look at Ac 4s in Late position and a minraised pot with about 3 or 4 callers. The flop falls with I think two clubs and maybe a pair of 4s for me and everyone checks. Turn is another club and everyone checks to the loose cannon who looks at his cards then decides to bet 8 bucks into a pot of about 22. I say let me check and see if I have IT too and look then Raise him to 29 and everyone folds and he starts asking me what do I have, and if I have IT, then calls. the River is yet another Club and gives me the nut flush with no possible straight flush or boat on the board so I know I have the best hand and he bets into me AGAIN. This time $20 and I immediately raise another $20. He has about $85 to $100 after the $40 and is still trying to figure out if I'm bluffing or if I really have it, then he shoves all in on me and I snap call showing my nut flush, He tells me he also had it but smaller then tosses his cards in the muck and gets up. I finish off the night for a profit of about $435 and make up for my trip to L'auberge. It was nice to finally run good for a night again. Need to start making more of a habit of that!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Greed shakes up the APP League (Host anyone?)
So Recently the APP League that I have been doing has started back up for its 3rd season, and we had to move locations since I have a baby girl on the way and can no longer host the games in my house. The new place I was going to have it was big enough to add an extra table. We worked out all the details for everything to go smoothly and told the hosts exactly how I ran things at my house. There was a championship Freeroll at the end of the season for the top 9 players and each spot would get paid out. The only way I can supply a payout for each spot, as well as pay for the Trophy, snacks and drinks for each game, and Shirts and Card Protectors for the players is if $40 of the $50 buy in goes to the players that night and $10 goes to the Championship FreeRoll money (CFR$). There was a tight management of this money and I kept track of all the things paid for that benefits the group. Personally, I made no profit from doing this and was fine with that, because I enjoyed playing the game and all of the players were happy as well and enjoyed participating in the league. The few that knew they couldn't make it consistently to contend for the Championship didn't show up and it created a Tight nit group....a League.
The person that agreed to host were very kind and understanding, I have also done personal favors for them as well, given free firewood, earned a free night at Isle of Capri Casino in Lake Charles and told them they could have it since I was going back home. General stuff Friends do for each other. They were also kind enough to have personal gifts made for the baby on the way and I was greatly appreciative of that. I also took home their laptop which was from 2000-2003 and did 3 days of work on it to get it running better again and install a poker clock for them to use at the games which was a headache in a half for no charge. But what happened recently just utterly confused me. It's the type of crap that makes you wonder why the hell someone would want to ruin a good thing.
Anyway, Game 1 of the league comes around and I was notified by the host that they would be late but someone would let us in early. I waited outside for an hour, shivering my ass off and annoyed that I had to set everything up to prepare for the game until someone finally showed up. They informed me that Snacks and Drinks (Which consisted of chips and 6 packs of various can drinks) were paid for and as we agreed I would supply them the funds for those drinks via the CFR$. So we get in there and start setting up for the game. Have everything done and have a spectacular Turn out for 30 people! I collected the money, sorted the payouts and placed the money box in a separate room where only I and the Hosts would go in and out. Maxed out attendance and future of a great game! I got a crappy beat when the hosts finally arrived and sit down to take their seats. My flopped set on a K73 board (I had 33) and 3bet the flop to 1800 against a lady who put in a min bet of 800 with a pot of about 2800 and she snap called. Turn seems like a harmless 6 and she checks to me, I bet over half my stack because the 6 created a flush and straight draw and she puts me all in and I call Immediately....what does she reveal.....Pocket 6's...I am just in shock by how ridiculously lucky she got as I initially put her on KQ or KJ at best. But that's how I roll. So All night me and the luck-box ;) that helped me setup were both knocked out midway through the tournament but continued to deal (It was agreed that we would help run things and they just wanted to host, that was fine with me since I started the League). The hosts sat there and played, but occasionally during breaks and just random times I would see the host go in and out of that room, I would think nothing of it. By the time the tournament was over everyone was paid out and we were picking everything up and saying goodbyes, I grabbed the Money box with the CFR$ and headed home. When I arrived home I counted the CFR$ and realized that $20 was missing from it and sent a mass text to about 8 people stating that I will now hold the money on me at all times because it seems $20 has been stolen. Everyone but the host would reply in shock or questioning.
Then about 5 days before Game 2 rolls around, The host says he wants more than just enough for the snacks and drinks. It was requested before the season started but when I explained to them that It was impossible for me to give that, a simple, "that's fine I understand" was stated and I was under the impression that it was done with. Apparently that wasn't the case...There was no consideration to call me and discuss this or even talk to me in person again about it. No It was sent to me a second time as a demand in a text message....as if he was my boss....and It pissed me off to no end. It was about 11:30 at night on a weekday when I noticed the text and called asking was he serious and there is no way I can do it. I told them that if that's what they want I will not be a part of it and it wont be my league, about 3 or 4 days later I went get my stuff which was a peaceful exchange and he had the audacity to say, "When your games get started up whereever they are, give me a call cause we'd still like to play." I just looked at him with this, "Is this guy freaking serious??" look on my face and just nodded my head and got in my truck in drove away. Since then I haven't had much communication with the guy and been in search of finding a host for the league so it wouldn't crumble apart and multiple regulars of the game wanted to keep it going. A great guy and Best Man said we could hold it at his house and that his wife was cool with it. So I'm thinking, Awesome season back on...lets get it!! We have a catch up game and things are back to normal, but an announcement was made that it is only a temporary solution and we have until end of March to find another location because the wife did not agree to the decision of having it in their house. I just kind of Face-palmed and shook my head but glad she was willing to compromise for a few more games.
I also found out that initially the original host was trying to steal players from my league, basically begging them to come play at his house instead. Whats funny is he had no real idea of what he is doing and it just turned into another lil house game but with a $50 buy in he was paying out a spot for every $100 in the prizepool. so the first game he hosted top 7 were paid out of 15! lol I was kind of surprised by this news. I am glad to learn that he has decided to atleast rotate weeks with me and has had a change of heart about that, but the whole situation is unfortunate and just a pain in the ass. I just wish I could understand what kind of chemicals, electric stimulation, or whatever makes a persons brain tick created that random ass scenario to just completely obliterate and corrupt a good thing all for the sake of greed. When getting all my stuff he did want to talk to me and try to work things out, but I told him, "Even if you didn't want the extra money anymore, I know it would still be on your mind and something would continue to come of it the rest of the season. I know you would be unhappy and just don't feel comfortable having it at your house anymore." That's when he asked to continue to be invited and honestly, if money would not have been stolen out of the CFR$ then I would have most likely allowed him back into the league, because overall he is a good guy from what I can tell. Just some people have their flaws I guess.....I know I have mine.
The person that agreed to host were very kind and understanding, I have also done personal favors for them as well, given free firewood, earned a free night at Isle of Capri Casino in Lake Charles and told them they could have it since I was going back home. General stuff Friends do for each other. They were also kind enough to have personal gifts made for the baby on the way and I was greatly appreciative of that. I also took home their laptop which was from 2000-2003 and did 3 days of work on it to get it running better again and install a poker clock for them to use at the games which was a headache in a half for no charge. But what happened recently just utterly confused me. It's the type of crap that makes you wonder why the hell someone would want to ruin a good thing.
Anyway, Game 1 of the league comes around and I was notified by the host that they would be late but someone would let us in early. I waited outside for an hour, shivering my ass off and annoyed that I had to set everything up to prepare for the game until someone finally showed up. They informed me that Snacks and Drinks (Which consisted of chips and 6 packs of various can drinks) were paid for and as we agreed I would supply them the funds for those drinks via the CFR$. So we get in there and start setting up for the game. Have everything done and have a spectacular Turn out for 30 people! I collected the money, sorted the payouts and placed the money box in a separate room where only I and the Hosts would go in and out. Maxed out attendance and future of a great game! I got a crappy beat when the hosts finally arrived and sit down to take their seats. My flopped set on a K73 board (I had 33) and 3bet the flop to 1800 against a lady who put in a min bet of 800 with a pot of about 2800 and she snap called. Turn seems like a harmless 6 and she checks to me, I bet over half my stack because the 6 created a flush and straight draw and she puts me all in and I call Immediately....what does she reveal.....Pocket 6's...I am just in shock by how ridiculously lucky she got as I initially put her on KQ or KJ at best. But that's how I roll. So All night me and the luck-box ;) that helped me setup were both knocked out midway through the tournament but continued to deal (It was agreed that we would help run things and they just wanted to host, that was fine with me since I started the League). The hosts sat there and played, but occasionally during breaks and just random times I would see the host go in and out of that room, I would think nothing of it. By the time the tournament was over everyone was paid out and we were picking everything up and saying goodbyes, I grabbed the Money box with the CFR$ and headed home. When I arrived home I counted the CFR$ and realized that $20 was missing from it and sent a mass text to about 8 people stating that I will now hold the money on me at all times because it seems $20 has been stolen. Everyone but the host would reply in shock or questioning.
Then about 5 days before Game 2 rolls around, The host says he wants more than just enough for the snacks and drinks. It was requested before the season started but when I explained to them that It was impossible for me to give that, a simple, "that's fine I understand" was stated and I was under the impression that it was done with. Apparently that wasn't the case...There was no consideration to call me and discuss this or even talk to me in person again about it. No It was sent to me a second time as a demand in a text message....as if he was my boss....and It pissed me off to no end. It was about 11:30 at night on a weekday when I noticed the text and called asking was he serious and there is no way I can do it. I told them that if that's what they want I will not be a part of it and it wont be my league, about 3 or 4 days later I went get my stuff which was a peaceful exchange and he had the audacity to say, "When your games get started up whereever they are, give me a call cause we'd still like to play." I just looked at him with this, "Is this guy freaking serious??" look on my face and just nodded my head and got in my truck in drove away. Since then I haven't had much communication with the guy and been in search of finding a host for the league so it wouldn't crumble apart and multiple regulars of the game wanted to keep it going. A great guy and Best Man said we could hold it at his house and that his wife was cool with it. So I'm thinking, Awesome season back on...lets get it!! We have a catch up game and things are back to normal, but an announcement was made that it is only a temporary solution and we have until end of March to find another location because the wife did not agree to the decision of having it in their house. I just kind of Face-palmed and shook my head but glad she was willing to compromise for a few more games.
I also found out that initially the original host was trying to steal players from my league, basically begging them to come play at his house instead. Whats funny is he had no real idea of what he is doing and it just turned into another lil house game but with a $50 buy in he was paying out a spot for every $100 in the prizepool. so the first game he hosted top 7 were paid out of 15! lol I was kind of surprised by this news. I am glad to learn that he has decided to atleast rotate weeks with me and has had a change of heart about that, but the whole situation is unfortunate and just a pain in the ass. I just wish I could understand what kind of chemicals, electric stimulation, or whatever makes a persons brain tick created that random ass scenario to just completely obliterate and corrupt a good thing all for the sake of greed. When getting all my stuff he did want to talk to me and try to work things out, but I told him, "Even if you didn't want the extra money anymore, I know it would still be on your mind and something would continue to come of it the rest of the season. I know you would be unhappy and just don't feel comfortable having it at your house anymore." That's when he asked to continue to be invited and honestly, if money would not have been stolen out of the CFR$ then I would have most likely allowed him back into the league, because overall he is a good guy from what I can tell. Just some people have their flaws I guess.....I know I have mine.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Louisiana has worst drivers, and they are all targeting me.....
First back in December, there is traffic coming to a stop on the highway so I easily slow to a stop, look in my rear view mirror and notice the guy behind me notices late and slams on his breaks to avoid me. He almost got me but missed...so its all good, I look back to the front of me waiting for traffic to start moving again then I hear BAM! then feel my truck collide with impact and notice another loud BOOOM! sound.....awesome. I get out a bit shaken and realized that the guy in the middle is concussed and can barely move. I ask him if he can move his arms and he does, then ask him if he can feel his legs, he is fine for the most part but his car....not so much. My bumper got the most of the damage on my vehicle but the other two vehicles behind me had to be towed away. Wreck #1 in the books.
A few weeks go buy and I get the new bumper on my truck and think everything's going good when going to work on the highway yet again. have about a car length away from the Truck in front of me with the roads damp, suddenly I see his break lights and immediately slam on my breaks. This doesn't matter as my anti lock breaks kick in and I am in the twilight zone where time just slows down and about 5,000 thoughts are hitting me all at once, but the loudest one that kept repeating to myself as I get closer and closer to the truck is...."Oh Shit......Oh shit.....Oh shit......OH SHIT.....BOOM! It didn't stop there, The SUV behind me also noticed late, but thankfully she didn't just slam on her breaks but also swerved into the middle median to avoid my truck all together. This would have been a much worse wreck and I probably would have been the poor guy in the first wreck if she wouldn't have done this, so I was very Thankful that she reacted in that way......and kind of wish I would have reacted the same. As I am getting out of my truck to make sure everyone is ok, I am thinking to myself, "Just what I need. Another wreck to start my day off right." I Look at the guy's truck and we both assess the damage. My front bumper is a bit dinged up but nothing I can't adjust myself and his truck shows barely any sign of a wreck at all. He confirms that he is OK and the lady that avoided me was already starting to drive off hahaha. A cop pulls along the side and asks us if we need him to stop and we both kind of look at each other, shrug our shoulders, and I said, "No sir, there doesn't seem to be much damage, we should be fine." The cop looks at me then looks at my truck and says...."well get the truck out the road completely." Then drives away. I apologize to the guy and tell him I'm glad he's OK and we both go on our way.
What the idiot in the black truck probably looked like. |
This morning was the 4th freaking experience in the matter of a month and a half and yet again, I was not the one at fault. I am just about to get onto the highway (Which also had a wreck due to idiot drivers and made me late for work) and sitting at a red light when I feel my truck pounded from behind and hear WHAM! Yes.....I love it.....I punch my seat in frustration and yell some sort of explicative loudly in my truck then try to collect myself before I go out to talk to the guy. He tells me he's sorry and wasn't paying attention and I am thinking...well it helps to do that once in a while when you're driving huh....and notice that there isn't really much damage to MY BRAND NEW BUMPER. He basically described the same scenario that I went through with the man on the highway but this was totally different since it was a complete stop...not a sudden stop. I just blew it off, look at my bumper and say its fine, don't worry about it. He thanks me and apologizes again and we both get on the highway. So yet again, I am a bit shaken from another stupid fender bender and aggravated that my truck is acting as a wreck magnet all of a sudden. Especially since I need to update the tag and want to pay it off with the upcoming tax return, just being an awesome time for all of this to keep happening out of my control.
Pretty much my reaction after each occurrence. |
Matt S.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
When Poker Room Managers wing it.
Definitely my favorite wtf face, and most popular Jackie Chan Meme |
The floor person walks up, asks whats going on. The dealer gives the run down as usual and it was detailed exactly as what happened. But instead of staying a smooth understanding process, this guy says...."Well......lets do this. Take the four cards in the flop and put the deck down by the side. Flip the cards over and shuffle them around. The first three you flip over will be your flop." Every one at the table looked at the Floor Person like, Is this guy serious?? I hope he's joking? and the What the F#@% faces were all looking and kind of laughing in disbelief when it was obvious which cards were and issue.
Don't know what the "WTF" face is? Here's some examples:
So If this were me, I would have suggested two things.
A. Just chop the pot and play another hand
B. Play back the events that just happened to determined which cards were meant to be on the flop. So therefore when the burn falls the 1, 2, and 3 card that is placed faced down before being flipped over is the flop cards. When flipped over it is now 4/3, 2, 1 and clearly the card revealed at the end would be the burn card.
Well after hearing the logic of "Well this case atleast two out of the three cards on the flop will be correct." and of course when he did this, my 9 that gave me the set magically disappeared fml. Well the three players (Including myself) disagreed to invest anymore money into this weird ass pot and just decide to chop it three ways and play a normal hand. I mean technically, I guess my plan B and his suggestion would have worked out the same way, but the main focus would be to not affect the Turn and River as well as the 3rd card on the flop. Either that or just pay attention to which cards were stuck. In that case you could determine which of the cards is the exposed Burn card and which belongs in the flop. But I am just a player and don't run the floor obviously. This definitely took the cake as one of the weirdest floor decisions that I would expect to see in a home game or back alley of a bar, but in a well established poker room, this definitely caught me by suprised. Had to get a good laugh out of it either way. The standard ordeal is a premature exposed card or a killing of the deck and usually it is a dealer that makes the error and can be easily fixed.....well with experienced dealers and floor managers. But when something like this happens, how can you not just wing it? honestly, how many decisions were logically thought through and not just a basis of "wingin' it"
Well thought I'd share this WTF moment with everyone.
Matt S.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Spare change for the Homeless and baby news (Non Poker)
OK so I'll start off this blog by talking about giving to the homeless. I understand that they some how, put themselves in the rough spot that they are in. But, I also understand (or try to atleast) how hard it must be to be stuck in that situation and even harder not to dig yourself into a deeper hole rather than build a ladder (hypothetically speaking) to climb out of the hole. Last week I was filling up my gas tank and a man walked up to me and asked for a dime....."A dime?" I asked him. Thinking to myself, "What does this guy expect to do with a dime?" But then I quickly thought about it and realized that he didn't want to ask for a large amount and at that point ANYTHING would help. I have ran into this situation atleast 2 other times that I can remember in my life. And all three times I was definitely not rich, but atleast in a better situation than they were and felt the need to help them out in some way.
The first time it happened, I was living in Morgan City and just started working for Oceaneering Intl. in 2007 trying to make a name for myself and making just enough to pay the bills while bumming a room out of my cousin's trailer for $200 a month. I was in a crappy state of depression, never had money to actually enjoy myself and lived far enough away from my friends that I barely got any visitors. I went to Walmart for either groceries or what not. As I was leaving, There was this man standing near the exit of the highway in some ripped camouflage pants and a raggedy button up shirt in his late 50s - 60s. It just looked like he was on his last leg, exhausted sitting outside and his sign (Yes on a cardboard box) had good spelling and punctuation and was just asking for something to eat. I had a $5 left in my wallet, rolled down my window and stopped and handed it to him. His pure excitement and gratefulness of me giving him that just hit me. He was saying God bless you over and over with the biggest grin on his face. As I drove away, I was hit with tears running down my face. It was like That situation was put in my life to show me that no matter how hard I think that I have it, There is always someone out there that is going through a harder situation that I am and just made me even more thankful for what I did have even though at the time it was not much.
The next situation that I came across, I was going play the May events in 2009 for my first time and have been just playing the cash tables having decent success. I was driving from Destrehan where my father lives and making the journey back and forth each day (For 3-4 days). One of the days when I took the exit by Claiborne near the Superdome, There was this grungy looking young dude who didn't seem like he had a bath in a long time. I am sitting here with money in my pocket heading to risk it on a gamble when this guy is stuck begging outside and I can just feel his desperation. When I buy stuff with cash, I put my spare change in this Coin collector and when full it adds up to about $20 dollars. Well I have been adding change at the time over a course of a month and a half to 2 months and had near $15 bucks just random change. when I got right next to the guy, I rolled my window down half way and told him to put his hands out. He cupped his hands and I grabbed the thing and just dumped the whole thing into his hands and watched his eyes light up as coins started overflowing and falling to the ground out of his hands. Again he was overzealous and thanking me over and over. He was about as excited as I would be if say I won a huge pot at the poker table, if not more excited. I can't say that I know what these guys will do with the money but I do know that they were in desperate need for some help and I can just feel the pain they were going through. I try to put myself in other peoples shoes and know how hard it would be if I were in that situation.
Going back to last week, the guy asking for a dime. He was very polite, made sure he didn't get too close affecting my personal space and even though He probably lied about a bike that he rode, he did have a grungy cell phone that I guess the government apparently gives people now which kind of annoyed me but its whatever. I told him to let me finish pumping my gas and I can see what I can do because I didn't have any cash on me. Again, The coin collector thing was in my truck but all I had in it was about 6.75 in change. He said no problem and just waited patiently. I asked him to move away as I go in my truck and I'll give him some change. and he stepped back a few steps. I finished pumping the gas, opened my truck then grabbed the container. I told him here you go and dumped the Quarters, Nickels and Dimes into his hand and again. That big huge smile came out and he said AWW MAN THANKS GUY! GOD BLESS YOU! And I got in my truck and drove away as he just waved bye. Again, I am sure some how they put themselves in the situation they were in, but I also believe that everyone deserves the chance to get themselves out of it, but I can only do so much to help. I just got a great sense of happiness knowing that I had the ability to make someone's day just a little bit better even through the hardship they are going through at the time.
With the due date just 2 months away, We are getting more excited with the arrival of our little girl, but I am also getting fear built up cause I don't want to be shit deep in debt, but its starting to look that way. I think that is one of my biggest fears is the money situation, but like I posted above I just have to keep my head up and keep working hard to get through it. I guess I'm mostly afraid because I was never big on surprises and the unknown and this is definitely a big UNKNOWN. I just hope everything goes smoothly at the delivery and both the wife and the baby come out healthy. Unfortunately this will probably put a hold on my poker funds for a while as I try to adjust to this new life. But it will be hard as I am so passionate about poker and wont be able to put as much time as I would like (Based strictly off my income) hopefully I will be able to sell some action in some future events to help build my bankroll in some way. Registering for baby stuff was more enjoyable then registering for wedding stuff I guess cause I can imagine playing, holding, feeding (well maybe not feeding right away cause my nipples don't produce milk ;) haha) but I have been waiting for this moment my whole life (For as young of a life it is). I think this is the scariest time of my life even though it is such a big blessing, I am just afraid that I might screw up and want to do the best that I can. I know how bad I run not only in poker but in life in general and I don't want that to affect my little girl as well. I guess all I can say is I try my hardest...
I guess that's all for now.
Matt Stroud
The first time it happened, I was living in Morgan City and just started working for Oceaneering Intl. in 2007 trying to make a name for myself and making just enough to pay the bills while bumming a room out of my cousin's trailer for $200 a month. I was in a crappy state of depression, never had money to actually enjoy myself and lived far enough away from my friends that I barely got any visitors. I went to Walmart for either groceries or what not. As I was leaving, There was this man standing near the exit of the highway in some ripped camouflage pants and a raggedy button up shirt in his late 50s - 60s. It just looked like he was on his last leg, exhausted sitting outside and his sign (Yes on a cardboard box) had good spelling and punctuation and was just asking for something to eat. I had a $5 left in my wallet, rolled down my window and stopped and handed it to him. His pure excitement and gratefulness of me giving him that just hit me. He was saying God bless you over and over with the biggest grin on his face. As I drove away, I was hit with tears running down my face. It was like That situation was put in my life to show me that no matter how hard I think that I have it, There is always someone out there that is going through a harder situation that I am and just made me even more thankful for what I did have even though at the time it was not much.
It just looked like he was on his last leg. |
The next situation that I came across, I was going play the May events in 2009 for my first time and have been just playing the cash tables having decent success. I was driving from Destrehan where my father lives and making the journey back and forth each day (For 3-4 days). One of the days when I took the exit by Claiborne near the Superdome, There was this grungy looking young dude who didn't seem like he had a bath in a long time. I am sitting here with money in my pocket heading to risk it on a gamble when this guy is stuck begging outside and I can just feel his desperation. When I buy stuff with cash, I put my spare change in this Coin collector and when full it adds up to about $20 dollars. Well I have been adding change at the time over a course of a month and a half to 2 months and had near $15 bucks just random change. when I got right next to the guy, I rolled my window down half way and told him to put his hands out. He cupped his hands and I grabbed the thing and just dumped the whole thing into his hands and watched his eyes light up as coins started overflowing and falling to the ground out of his hands. Again he was overzealous and thanking me over and over. He was about as excited as I would be if say I won a huge pot at the poker table, if not more excited. I can't say that I know what these guys will do with the money but I do know that they were in desperate need for some help and I can just feel the pain they were going through. I try to put myself in other peoples shoes and know how hard it would be if I were in that situation.
Going back to last week, the guy asking for a dime. He was very polite, made sure he didn't get too close affecting my personal space and even though He probably lied about a bike that he rode, he did have a grungy cell phone that I guess the government apparently gives people now which kind of annoyed me but its whatever. I told him to let me finish pumping my gas and I can see what I can do because I didn't have any cash on me. Again, The coin collector thing was in my truck but all I had in it was about 6.75 in change. He said no problem and just waited patiently. I asked him to move away as I go in my truck and I'll give him some change. and he stepped back a few steps. I finished pumping the gas, opened my truck then grabbed the container. I told him here you go and dumped the Quarters, Nickels and Dimes into his hand and again. That big huge smile came out and he said AWW MAN THANKS GUY! GOD BLESS YOU! And I got in my truck and drove away as he just waved bye. Again, I am sure some how they put themselves in the situation they were in, but I also believe that everyone deserves the chance to get themselves out of it, but I can only do so much to help. I just got a great sense of happiness knowing that I had the ability to make someone's day just a little bit better even through the hardship they are going through at the time.
With the due date just 2 months away, We are getting more excited with the arrival of our little girl, but I am also getting fear built up cause I don't want to be shit deep in debt, but its starting to look that way. I think that is one of my biggest fears is the money situation, but like I posted above I just have to keep my head up and keep working hard to get through it. I guess I'm mostly afraid because I was never big on surprises and the unknown and this is definitely a big UNKNOWN. I just hope everything goes smoothly at the delivery and both the wife and the baby come out healthy. Unfortunately this will probably put a hold on my poker funds for a while as I try to adjust to this new life. But it will be hard as I am so passionate about poker and wont be able to put as much time as I would like (Based strictly off my income) hopefully I will be able to sell some action in some future events to help build my bankroll in some way. Registering for baby stuff was more enjoyable then registering for wedding stuff I guess cause I can imagine playing, holding, feeding (well maybe not feeding right away cause my nipples don't produce milk ;) haha) but I have been waiting for this moment my whole life (For as young of a life it is). I think this is the scariest time of my life even though it is such a big blessing, I am just afraid that I might screw up and want to do the best that I can. I know how bad I run not only in poker but in life in general and I don't want that to affect my little girl as well. I guess all I can say is I try my hardest...
I guess that's all for now.
Matt Stroud
Monday, January 9, 2012
Event One of the Southern Million Dollar Heater was Sick!
So I made the Journey Saturday to Biloxi, MS to take a shot at the 200k Gauranteed tournament. Feeling Confident and hoping for some run good to make a deep run. I learned that Day 1A already pretty much met the Gaurantee with 681 Entrants and they were expecting to crush it by Day 1B. Well they did, and then some. It doubled as another 772 players entered the next day and there were fish swimming everywhere at the tables hoping to get Lucky and enjoyed Gambling for fun.... so basically the typical players you love making money off of. That's if you are running well that is. And this weekend, was not one of those weekends for me one bit.
In the Tournament I lasted for 4 breaks and had the pleasure of some Laggro donk snapcalling my all in with K7 suited vs. my KJ in the SB and then flopping his flush draw and turning the flush to knock me out right before the Break and crush my hopes of making that deep run. I posted updates on my twitter Account @acadianapkrplyr so go follow me for future tournaments.
Well then shit got stupid. I talked myself into taking a stab at 1 2 5 plo that was running in the tournament room and sat with 320. I worked it up to $838 waiting for a poker buddy to finish his SNG. I was feeling super confident as these PLO players were just calling me down as I held the nuts or close to it each time I bet and I felted two different players who rebought in for more. Once my friend was done we went look for some supper and decided to eat at the HardRock since the line for the buffet was just painstakingly long and I felt the pits of my stomach rumbling in hunger. After we finished our supper I made the mistake of going to the restroom and be pleasured by the graceful sound of a man yakking in the Sink the whole time I was at the urinal almost losing it at one point and hoping I would finish soon so I could get the hell out of there. All I could here is HOOOOAAAARRRGHGBLBHFRAR, HUUAARGHGBALRRAAAH, Repeat 10x.
I tried to warn my buddy not to go in there because its no pretty sight or sound, but he insisted he had to go and even watched the guy after he finished his theatrics once he was done expelling his insides.
When we got back to the poker room he was starting to head home and I noticed they took my chips off the table and turned the 1-2-5 PLO into a 2-5-10 PLO game so I went searching for a 1-2 NL game and ended up losing a couple buy ins to basically put me back on square one of where I was at after I lost out of the Tournament. at about 1 AM I got with Mr. Bill Phillips of gulfcoastpoker.net and he let me crash in his room and we shot the shit about random topics before we were both exhausted and couldn't talk anymore.
When I headed towards the Cash tables the next morning I was searching for PLO mainly 1-2 but without any running, I put my name on 1-2 NL and 2-5 NL. They called my name for 2-5 and the beginning of being trolled by the Pokergods Began. Its like they were trying to get me to lose to either 3, 2, or 1 outs the rest of the day and it was just brutal. One of the main things I hate about the Beau Rivage cash games is there is no limit to what the players can buy in for, so if you don't have deep pockets you have next to no chance of being able to compete with taking the swings of poker. So if you start to run bad and take a tough beat, or 2 in a row for that matter, you are screwed and leave yourself shaking your head. First, I buy in for 350 and there is a straddle for 10 and myself along with 3 others see the flop which comes K86 and I have Kc9c goes check, bet 25, I raise to 75, fold, fold, Call from the guy who bet 25.
$195 in the pot and turn falls a 3 rainbow board. He checks, I bet $140 and he raises me basically putting me to a decision of all in or fold. So I shove and of course he turns over K3 for two pair and I don't catch up.
I rebuy in for $500 and about 5 hands later I have $480ish when a guy with about 1200 straddles for 10, I am on the button and look down at A10 os. Someone raises to $40, I flat along with 2 others and there is $160 in the pot. Flop falls A 10 5 and I have top 2. Straddle checks, another player checks, raisor pre bets $100, I opt to flat again with 2 others to act behind me, straddle guy calls and other player folds. There is now $460 in the pot and I have $340 left and the turn comes an ugly Kh. Asian guy bets $300 but I still think he has AQ or AJ and I shove all in. Well of course guy who straddled reraises over the top and gets the raiser to fold and shows QJ. I am just speechless, annoyed, and wondering why this dumb crap always happens to me. I go back regretting I didn't just open Jam the flop, but that is such a scared way to play it I didn't want to go that route.
Well I am fortunate enough to have both Ross Leitz and Blake B buy pieces of action for the $550 nooner which only had 156 runners and I was also gonna watch a bit of day 2 of the 200k gaurantee as I had a number of poker buddies still in and chasing the money. Well I show up late and quickly double up my stack but of course the trolling of the pokergods continued as this one guy just had my number. I first had to lay down top pair with QJ on a Q95 board where I raised pre bet flop and he raised me then on turn put me all in. Then about 2 revolutions later I'm UTG and limp with JJ and the same guy raises 1,100 with blinds at 100 200 25 ante. I have 9.8k and this bet just looks like a small to mid PP to me so I jam and he snap calls and shows AA.....FML I am out after about 3 hours in the $550.
My last shot at anything I was going to play a $100 SNG where first gets $550 and 2nd $350 and we all did a $20 last longer. Before I registered for the $550 Bill told me the SNGs have been really easy and I took his word for it. Well this was during event 1 of course and when I go sit down. Here comes Jerry Monroe that won the IP Biloxi WSOP Circuit main, a guy that cashed 6 out of 7 SNGs last night while I was playing cash, and Andy Moon, a very talented young grinder out of the Acadiana Area. Needless to say there was maybe 2 fish at the table and the rest were pretty solid players. I started out great doubling through one of the fish when he shoved a pair of Aces no kicker on a AK10 board (I had K10) and knocked him out. Then I won a nice pot with AA and in no time had 5700 as the starting stack was 2000. I get AA once again when my stack is at 4600 and there is a raise to 450, then a reraise to 1100 by Monroe. I chose to flat as I put him on KK, QQ, JJ and know he will pay me off with the right flop so no need to rush it pre. A guy behind me with like 400 left throws his chips in there and the original raiser folds. Flop comes QJ5 and Monroe shoves and I snap call and show AA, he sighs and shows KK and turn is the 8, river 6...baby stack had 6 5 and triples up. This will come back to haunt me but I now have 8400ish. Instead of just going walk away and eating Lunch or something I choose to continue to play like a dumbass. What happens?? well I guess the Pokergods find out how good I'm running and decide to show up and start trolling again. the 2nd largest stack decided he was going to start reraising me every time I raised. So when I looked at AJos and raise my standard 425 with blinds at 100 200 and he did his standard reraise to 775, I reraised to 2000 and he shoved and I snapped called, He showed KJ os and dont worry flop comes Jd8d5d neither of us have a diamond. Turn is a blank, Im almost clear, then here it comes Kd on river to rob me of what I deserve and blasts my stack down to 3500. I lose another pot and get down to 2650 and another gets knocked out so there is 5 left and I have 2nd smallest stack. I shove first hand and collect blinds. next hand I'm UTG+2 and look at 1010 and shove again, guy who cracked me with KJ shoves all in, then SB shoves all in. The Button shows KK and the SB shows AK and I ask the dealer for the 10 to save my ass. Right in the window the 10 rears its ugly head!! I'm saved and looking like I will be able to get this thing again. Until the Case freaking K hits the turn and laughs in my face and says...yea right dude, get the hell out of Biloxi.
Yet again, I am down to $0 thanks to running like absolute dogshit at the worst times. Looks like its back to the drawing board as my New Years Goal of $5000 profit is now in the back burners as I start the year out in the negatives.....awesome.
GL to the rest of you.
Matt Stroud
In the Tournament I lasted for 4 breaks and had the pleasure of some Laggro donk snapcalling my all in with K7 suited vs. my KJ in the SB and then flopping his flush draw and turning the flush to knock me out right before the Break and crush my hopes of making that deep run. I posted updates on my twitter Account @acadianapkrplyr so go follow me for future tournaments.
Well then shit got stupid. I talked myself into taking a stab at 1 2 5 plo that was running in the tournament room and sat with 320. I worked it up to $838 waiting for a poker buddy to finish his SNG. I was feeling super confident as these PLO players were just calling me down as I held the nuts or close to it each time I bet and I felted two different players who rebought in for more. Once my friend was done we went look for some supper and decided to eat at the HardRock since the line for the buffet was just painstakingly long and I felt the pits of my stomach rumbling in hunger. After we finished our supper I made the mistake of going to the restroom and be pleasured by the graceful sound of a man yakking in the Sink the whole time I was at the urinal almost losing it at one point and hoping I would finish soon so I could get the hell out of there. All I could here is HOOOOAAAARRRGHGBLBHFRAR, HUUAARGHGBALRRAAAH, Repeat 10x.
I tried to warn my buddy not to go in there because its no pretty sight or sound, but he insisted he had to go and even watched the guy after he finished his theatrics once he was done expelling his insides.
When we got back to the poker room he was starting to head home and I noticed they took my chips off the table and turned the 1-2-5 PLO into a 2-5-10 PLO game so I went searching for a 1-2 NL game and ended up losing a couple buy ins to basically put me back on square one of where I was at after I lost out of the Tournament. at about 1 AM I got with Mr. Bill Phillips of gulfcoastpoker.net and he let me crash in his room and we shot the shit about random topics before we were both exhausted and couldn't talk anymore.
When I headed towards the Cash tables the next morning I was searching for PLO mainly 1-2 but without any running, I put my name on 1-2 NL and 2-5 NL. They called my name for 2-5 and the beginning of being trolled by the Pokergods Began. Its like they were trying to get me to lose to either 3, 2, or 1 outs the rest of the day and it was just brutal. One of the main things I hate about the Beau Rivage cash games is there is no limit to what the players can buy in for, so if you don't have deep pockets you have next to no chance of being able to compete with taking the swings of poker. So if you start to run bad and take a tough beat, or 2 in a row for that matter, you are screwed and leave yourself shaking your head. First, I buy in for 350 and there is a straddle for 10 and myself along with 3 others see the flop which comes K86 and I have Kc9c goes check, bet 25, I raise to 75, fold, fold, Call from the guy who bet 25.
$195 in the pot and turn falls a 3 rainbow board. He checks, I bet $140 and he raises me basically putting me to a decision of all in or fold. So I shove and of course he turns over K3 for two pair and I don't catch up.
I rebuy in for $500 and about 5 hands later I have $480ish when a guy with about 1200 straddles for 10, I am on the button and look down at A10 os. Someone raises to $40, I flat along with 2 others and there is $160 in the pot. Flop falls A 10 5 and I have top 2. Straddle checks, another player checks, raisor pre bets $100, I opt to flat again with 2 others to act behind me, straddle guy calls and other player folds. There is now $460 in the pot and I have $340 left and the turn comes an ugly Kh. Asian guy bets $300 but I still think he has AQ or AJ and I shove all in. Well of course guy who straddled reraises over the top and gets the raiser to fold and shows QJ. I am just speechless, annoyed, and wondering why this dumb crap always happens to me. I go back regretting I didn't just open Jam the flop, but that is such a scared way to play it I didn't want to go that route.
Well I am fortunate enough to have both Ross Leitz and Blake B buy pieces of action for the $550 nooner which only had 156 runners and I was also gonna watch a bit of day 2 of the 200k gaurantee as I had a number of poker buddies still in and chasing the money. Well I show up late and quickly double up my stack but of course the trolling of the pokergods continued as this one guy just had my number. I first had to lay down top pair with QJ on a Q95 board where I raised pre bet flop and he raised me then on turn put me all in. Then about 2 revolutions later I'm UTG and limp with JJ and the same guy raises 1,100 with blinds at 100 200 25 ante. I have 9.8k and this bet just looks like a small to mid PP to me so I jam and he snap calls and shows AA.....FML I am out after about 3 hours in the $550.
My last shot at anything I was going to play a $100 SNG where first gets $550 and 2nd $350 and we all did a $20 last longer. Before I registered for the $550 Bill told me the SNGs have been really easy and I took his word for it. Well this was during event 1 of course and when I go sit down. Here comes Jerry Monroe that won the IP Biloxi WSOP Circuit main, a guy that cashed 6 out of 7 SNGs last night while I was playing cash, and Andy Moon, a very talented young grinder out of the Acadiana Area. Needless to say there was maybe 2 fish at the table and the rest were pretty solid players. I started out great doubling through one of the fish when he shoved a pair of Aces no kicker on a AK10 board (I had K10) and knocked him out. Then I won a nice pot with AA and in no time had 5700 as the starting stack was 2000. I get AA once again when my stack is at 4600 and there is a raise to 450, then a reraise to 1100 by Monroe. I chose to flat as I put him on KK, QQ, JJ and know he will pay me off with the right flop so no need to rush it pre. A guy behind me with like 400 left throws his chips in there and the original raiser folds. Flop comes QJ5 and Monroe shoves and I snap call and show AA, he sighs and shows KK and turn is the 8, river 6...baby stack had 6 5 and triples up. This will come back to haunt me but I now have 8400ish. Instead of just going walk away and eating Lunch or something I choose to continue to play like a dumbass. What happens?? well I guess the Pokergods find out how good I'm running and decide to show up and start trolling again. the 2nd largest stack decided he was going to start reraising me every time I raised. So when I looked at AJos and raise my standard 425 with blinds at 100 200 and he did his standard reraise to 775, I reraised to 2000 and he shoved and I snapped called, He showed KJ os and dont worry flop comes Jd8d5d neither of us have a diamond. Turn is a blank, Im almost clear, then here it comes Kd on river to rob me of what I deserve and blasts my stack down to 3500. I lose another pot and get down to 2650 and another gets knocked out so there is 5 left and I have 2nd smallest stack. I shove first hand and collect blinds. next hand I'm UTG+2 and look at 1010 and shove again, guy who cracked me with KJ shoves all in, then SB shoves all in. The Button shows KK and the SB shows AK and I ask the dealer for the 10 to save my ass. Right in the window the 10 rears its ugly head!! I'm saved and looking like I will be able to get this thing again. Until the Case freaking K hits the turn and laughs in my face and says...yea right dude, get the hell out of Biloxi.
Yet again, I am down to $0 thanks to running like absolute dogshit at the worst times. Looks like its back to the drawing board as my New Years Goal of $5000 profit is now in the back burners as I start the year out in the negatives.....awesome.
GL to the rest of you.
Matt Stroud
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Things have been BUSY
I am finally getting around to updating this thing. I have been stupid Busy with both work and making sure the upcoming League is gonna be set up since we are moving locations. Also I have been working with a good friend of mine Mike Silvas and we have been creating a website for Acadiana Poker Players. We just put the site live to try and get some input from our poker friends to see if we can improve the site in anyway and fix some bugs that may currently exist. To go along with the website and APP League (Season 3 already. Unbelievable) I have created a new Card Protector that will sell for $6 a piece. I think it is a great price since most Card protectors run for about $10-20 bucks that are custom made. This card protector is made of Ceramic and is between 43-45mm in Diameter so it is bigger than a standard poker chip and smaller than a dealer button. I chose the Octagon shape to specifically differ and avoid any chance of Dumb Dealers or Poker Players from getting it confused with one of the two.
The company that is making it for me is a great poker chip company based out of Georgia I believe. He has mostly been doing this by word of mouth but hopefully he will agree to advertise on our website www.acadianapokerplayers.com be cause he always does a great job from my experience so far. I bought some ceramic poker chips from him as well as I always wanted a nice set of my own and he sure did not disappoint me. Thank you Steve Petusky as I hope to do future business with you as well as bring you much more future business!
The T-shirt situation has been a bit of a pain in the butt because I am still searching for a company that will provide good pricing and Design for when I create them. The previous company I was going to was charging me different prices almost every time I went there and I had to continue to bring my original receipt to prove the price that I paid before. They also messed up on printing my last batch of shirts, took their time to respond to my emails and phone calls, and always were very disorganized when I went to their business to pick up the shirts. I was tired of the headache so I decided to look for another company/person to do this and still have not found any luck. If you have someone in mind that can help me out please let them or me know so I can get this stuff done!
I Want to thank the following guys for helping in preparation for the website, league, etc. and also want to help bring attention to some of my friends who are looking for players in games they want to have as well. Thanks Linden and Barbara Comeaux, Jimmy "Luckbox Leprechaun" Rogers, and Tommy Hebert for helping in preparing the upcoming year for season 3 of APP League! Can't wait to win the trophy this year as I blew it the two previous years haha. Thanks alot for Mike Silvas in putting up with my continuous questions about the website and patiently putting up with me. I am looking forward to doing business with you and hopefully it goes great (He wants this blog to go to the website btw so if we ever get to that point I hope you continue to follow!) I am currently looking for players that would be interested in blogging on the website as well, so If you would like to give me a shout here or on my Facebook and let me know what you would want to blog about! And even though I hate to admit it. Thanks Mike Fontenot for sharing thoughts on things others are afraid to input on. You have helped make multiple adjustments that I have overlooked in the league. now we can just work on communication hahaha.
I didn't have much of a New Years Celebration as work wore me out. I went back and forth from Lafayette, LA to Port Fourchon, LA working on a big project for work about 5 times over the past 2 weeks and was on call for the Christmas Holidays. So when it came time for the New Year's "Celebration" I was just exhausted and went to sleep at 10pm haha. I went have supper with the wife at Chili's and also watched a movie on bluray before hitting the bed so it was a little something. New Years Day I hit up New Orleans with my buddy Tommy who suprised me with Last Minute Saints Tickets and even though the wife and mom was pretty pissed at me for not spending the holiday with them (I'm such a horrible guy) I think it was still worth it and fun as it was the first Saints game I have been to since 2008 and watched them destroy Carolina 45-17! My favorite part was when the whole crowd simultaneous chanted WHO DAT WHO DAT WHO DAT SAY THEY GON' BEAT DEM SAINTS" three times before the kickoff to start the game! I wish I would have been prepared cause I would have been yelling my lungs out with them. The amount of charactors that go to Saints games are hilarious from a Saints cow, to a Saints Halo character (Video game), to the Saints boxer and Saints' wise men, to the personalities of the long time season ticket holders that surround you in the 600 levels. I love every minute of it and would eat their $9 Jambalaya til there is no tomorrow but only buying the $8.50 beer if I'm dying of thirst haha.
After getting home and getting chewed out a bit more from the wife, The next day I wanted to treat her to a date. Well that turned into her wanting to go get some new shoes she needed. Then THAT turned into me getting the last minute urge to go bring her car shopping since hers was going to crap and we still owed a good amount on the vehicle. She intentionally wanted the Kia Soul....yes the hamster car (See commercial below) and I did my research and was prepared to go to war with the Salesmen but I knew that Tommy (My best man and long time friend) brought his mom to the dealership across the street of her house and she got them an awesome Brand New Nissan Rogue top notch for a stupid Deal....Like unbelievable. So I called her and asked her if she can help "work her magic" for us and told her the details of what we were looking for etc. Well that completely U-Turned and they brought us two options which were both Brand New that fit our Price Range.
We could choose between a Nissan Altima (which my wife owned a previous older model before) or the new Nissan Versa SL with all kinds of cool additions so we test drove it, liked the size, the specs (Bluetooth, Ipod hookup, 30-38 mpg city/hwy, etc) and Decided on this one. So Tommy's mom who the dealers and her know each other on first name basis with all the deals they have worked with each other whether it be with friends, family, or personally have started their wages. First it was the trade in Value for the junky 2005 Ford Taurus. I was expecting between 1200-1500....nope 2000 and that was on the first offer haha my jaw dropped. Next they showed us that they dropped the sticker price of the car from 18750ish to 16995. I was trying to get this lower but all they could offer was a $150 credit which we put towards a window tint we are going get done at the end of the week. The deal was almost done. I was getting second thoughts and Tommy's Mom smacked me back in reality and told me to relax, I'm getting a really great deal and its better than what we had, just enjoy it! I am so glad she was there to help us and we owe her big now cause we couldn't have got it by ourselves. I have a talent of getting screwed by car dealers but Mr. Skyler Vaughn and Mgr Greg Leblanc at JP Thibodaux were top class and very helpful and friendly throughout the process!!
I will wrap this up with some New Years Resolutions. Since I have finally come to understanding with bankroll management I believe I can try to work on obtaining a profit this year instead of either breaking even or being slightly in the negatives. Here are a few Life and Poker related Resolutions I have in mind.
1. Find a church and start to Attend Regularly. (God is Important in my life)
2. Continue to stick to what I learned from many great players around the Gulf Coast and extremely grateful they shared their advice with me!
3. Obtain a profit of $5,000 or more for the year!
I think number three is extremely doable and I hope to make it more but I want to start small and work my way up! Going to start that off with the $200k GTD at the Beau Rivage this weekend so hopefully I will bring good news!
-Matt Stroud
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How do you like the design? |
The T-shirt situation has been a bit of a pain in the butt because I am still searching for a company that will provide good pricing and Design for when I create them. The previous company I was going to was charging me different prices almost every time I went there and I had to continue to bring my original receipt to prove the price that I paid before. They also messed up on printing my last batch of shirts, took their time to respond to my emails and phone calls, and always were very disorganized when I went to their business to pick up the shirts. I was tired of the headache so I decided to look for another company/person to do this and still have not found any luck. If you have someone in mind that can help me out please let them or me know so I can get this stuff done!
I Want to thank the following guys for helping in preparation for the website, league, etc. and also want to help bring attention to some of my friends who are looking for players in games they want to have as well. Thanks Linden and Barbara Comeaux, Jimmy "Luckbox Leprechaun" Rogers, and Tommy Hebert for helping in preparing the upcoming year for season 3 of APP League! Can't wait to win the trophy this year as I blew it the two previous years haha. Thanks alot for Mike Silvas in putting up with my continuous questions about the website and patiently putting up with me. I am looking forward to doing business with you and hopefully it goes great (He wants this blog to go to the website btw so if we ever get to that point I hope you continue to follow!) I am currently looking for players that would be interested in blogging on the website as well, so If you would like to give me a shout here or on my Facebook and let me know what you would want to blog about! And even though I hate to admit it. Thanks Mike Fontenot for sharing thoughts on things others are afraid to input on. You have helped make multiple adjustments that I have overlooked in the league. now we can just work on communication hahaha.
I didn't have much of a New Years Celebration as work wore me out. I went back and forth from Lafayette, LA to Port Fourchon, LA working on a big project for work about 5 times over the past 2 weeks and was on call for the Christmas Holidays. So when it came time for the New Year's "Celebration" I was just exhausted and went to sleep at 10pm haha. I went have supper with the wife at Chili's and also watched a movie on bluray before hitting the bed so it was a little something. New Years Day I hit up New Orleans with my buddy Tommy who suprised me with Last Minute Saints Tickets and even though the wife and mom was pretty pissed at me for not spending the holiday with them (I'm such a horrible guy) I think it was still worth it and fun as it was the first Saints game I have been to since 2008 and watched them destroy Carolina 45-17! My favorite part was when the whole crowd simultaneous chanted WHO DAT WHO DAT WHO DAT SAY THEY GON' BEAT DEM SAINTS" three times before the kickoff to start the game! I wish I would have been prepared cause I would have been yelling my lungs out with them. The amount of charactors that go to Saints games are hilarious from a Saints cow, to a Saints Halo character (Video game), to the Saints boxer and Saints' wise men, to the personalities of the long time season ticket holders that surround you in the 600 levels. I love every minute of it and would eat their $9 Jambalaya til there is no tomorrow but only buying the $8.50 beer if I'm dying of thirst haha.
After getting home and getting chewed out a bit more from the wife, The next day I wanted to treat her to a date. Well that turned into her wanting to go get some new shoes she needed. Then THAT turned into me getting the last minute urge to go bring her car shopping since hers was going to crap and we still owed a good amount on the vehicle. She intentionally wanted the Kia Soul....yes the hamster car (See commercial below) and I did my research and was prepared to go to war with the Salesmen but I knew that Tommy (My best man and long time friend) brought his mom to the dealership across the street of her house and she got them an awesome Brand New Nissan Rogue top notch for a stupid Deal....Like unbelievable. So I called her and asked her if she can help "work her magic" for us and told her the details of what we were looking for etc. Well that completely U-Turned and they brought us two options which were both Brand New that fit our Price Range.
We could choose between a Nissan Altima (which my wife owned a previous older model before) or the new Nissan Versa SL with all kinds of cool additions so we test drove it, liked the size, the specs (Bluetooth, Ipod hookup, 30-38 mpg city/hwy, etc) and Decided on this one. So Tommy's mom who the dealers and her know each other on first name basis with all the deals they have worked with each other whether it be with friends, family, or personally have started their wages. First it was the trade in Value for the junky 2005 Ford Taurus. I was expecting between 1200-1500....nope 2000 and that was on the first offer haha my jaw dropped. Next they showed us that they dropped the sticker price of the car from 18750ish to 16995. I was trying to get this lower but all they could offer was a $150 credit which we put towards a window tint we are going get done at the end of the week. The deal was almost done. I was getting second thoughts and Tommy's Mom smacked me back in reality and told me to relax, I'm getting a really great deal and its better than what we had, just enjoy it! I am so glad she was there to help us and we owe her big now cause we couldn't have got it by ourselves. I have a talent of getting screwed by car dealers but Mr. Skyler Vaughn and Mgr Greg Leblanc at JP Thibodaux were top class and very helpful and friendly throughout the process!!
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Proud New owner of the 2012 Nissan Versa SL |
1. Find a church and start to Attend Regularly. (God is Important in my life)
2. Continue to stick to what I learned from many great players around the Gulf Coast and extremely grateful they shared their advice with me!
3. Obtain a profit of $5,000 or more for the year!
I think number three is extremely doable and I hope to make it more but I want to start small and work my way up! Going to start that off with the $200k GTD at the Beau Rivage this weekend so hopefully I will bring good news!
-Matt Stroud
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